Houston Cinema Arts Festival is a curated festival and does not conduct an open call for film submissions. The HCAS artistic director works with advisors from partner arts organizations on locating and soliciting films that fit the Festival’s focus on films by and about visual, performing, and literary artists. HCAS is particularly interested in films of high artistic quality that benefit from theatrical presentation. Special consideration is given to films about the arts made by Texas filmmakers. If you have a new film made in the past two years that you think may be of interest, then please send an email with a description of your film and links to reviews or other background information, if available, to jessica@cinemahtx.org. If the film seems promising, then he will contact you and request a screener link. There is no entry fee.
There is one exception to the above and that is the CineSpace competition, which is an open call for short films that rework video images provided by our partner, NASA from their archives of footage collected from 50 years of exploring the universe. The deadline for entries is posted on the website and there are substantial prizes of up to $10,000, with no entry fees! For more information: cinespace.org