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Alien Abduction

Alien Abduction follows Missy, a young science prodigy, and her childhood best friend Yesenia. When Missy finds out she’s pregnant, she becomes distant and shifts her focus to the stars. Yesenia discovers an almost full term Missy secretly laying in a crop circle, for reasons that threaten to separate them forever. Together, they must confront whether their friendship can transcend space and time.

Alien Abduction, written by Candice D’Meza and directed by Nate Edwards, is part of a series of Afrofuturism micro-films entitled “30 Ways To Get Free”, which positions Abolition and Liberation within the worlds of science fiction. The films examine three of an unlimited number of ways Black people across the African Diaspora may triumphantly enter a free new world of their own imagining. Produced by The Catastrophic Theatre.


Country, Year United States, 2021
DirectorNate Edwards
WriterCandice D’Meza
Runtime11 MINS, SECS